If you are trying to conceive, follow these tips which will help you get pregnant quickly and with ease. These tips don’t ask for much. They just tell you to do the same usual things but in a more favorable way.

Just get off the pill or whatever you are using and these guidelines will definitely increase your chances to get pregnant – maybe just in one month’s time just after your next period.

Best natural ways to get pregnant fast

Here is the step-by-step checklist of doing the same things you do but in a more conception-favorable fashion. Reading this post on how you become pregnant will help.

Stop all your birth control methods

Since you have planned to get pregnant, all types of contraception methods must be stopped. You could be using birth control pills, or an IUD, or a diaphragm or your partner could be using a condom, the first thing you have to do is get rid of those.

You could then become pregnant immediately the next month or it could take some time. It varies from woman to woman and there is no way anybody can predict it.

However, most women become pregnant within three months. There are reasons that could lengthen this time period to conceive such as

  • if you are older, more than 35 years
  • have certain lifestyle habits that impair your fertility such as smoking, binge drinking, or drugs
  • have a certain condition such as endometriosis or polycystic ovarian syndrome, blocked or damaged fallopian tubes, etc

Preconception counseling with the obstetrician

Both man and woman should be present in front of the doctor. A preconception visit can do a lot of things. Besides the advice outlined in this post, your doctor will want to take your family history and your personal history and will try to identify any health issues that may affect conception and pregnancy.

The doctor may ask you to get some tests done to rule out certain health conditions such as hypothyroidism, which can interfere with your fertility and the release of the egg from the ovary. Hypothyroidism is very common in women.

Secondly, if you are taking any medication for some health problems, inform your obstetrician. Many drugs can prevent conception. They can affect the ability of a woman’s body to ovulate or a man’s sperm count. Your doctor may want to stop or switch the medicines.

Have frequent sex to get pregnant

It is a fact that conception does occur when you have sex during ovulation, but the ovulation day can vary due to certain factors.

It is necessary, therefore, to have enjoyable sex at least three times a week to ensure conception. Remember, the first day is taken as the day when your bleeding (menstruation) starts. Women who get their periods every 24 to 35 days are probably ovulating normally.

Which is the best time of the day to have sex?

The best time of the day to have sex is when you feel like it. I have seen advocacy for morning and night sex and both present their reasons.

To become pregnant, you need the sperm and the ovum, which on the ovulation day are present throughout the day. So, that day is important, not the time of the day.

The advocates for morning sex have their point and quote Italian research which concludes that testosterone levels are highest in the morning in both men and women. Higher testosterone levels mean a higher sperm count.

The energy levels are highest in the morning and the mind is less occupied with problems and is relatively stress-free making sex more enjoyable.

The sex-at-night advocates say that sex at night ensures that the woman stays on the back and this allows the semen to penetrate deep inside.

Best days to get pregnant

Having unprotected sex 3 to 6 days before and during predicted ovulation day is the best way to get pregnant.

There is a simple technique and very commonly followed one to determine the date of ovulation. It can be found by using the basal body temperature thermometer (BBT) and making BBT charts of the previous months.

Take your temperature every morning before you get out of bed. Keep a chart of the temperature taken every day and look for an emerging pattern. Your fertility will be at its peak two to three days before your body temperature shows a rise.

Another way to find out if you are ovulating is that just before ovulation, your vaginal secretions or the cervical discharge will change.

Once ovulation takes place, the consistency of the discharge becomes sticky and dense and resembles and is likened to egg white in color and consistency. This is considered to be an indicator of ovulation.

Checking for the symptoms and signs that tell you are ovulating is a good way to predict if you are ovulating but checking the nature of your cervical discharge and your basal body temperature can be quite awkward.

An easier way would be to do the ovulation test. An ovulation test will help you to predict the ovulation time and find the most fertile days of the menstrual cycle. This will help you to conceive with little effort and time.

The ovulation predictor kit (OPK) is used to test for ovulation and identify the best time to have sexual intercourse.

And, yes this test works very well to help you conceive and become pregnant.

Have sex every day 3 to 4 days before the ovulation date and on that date because the time period to get pregnant is very short. The ovum survives at the most for 24 hours while the sperms can live for 3 to 5 days. Having sex after the ovulation date, therefore, will not help.

Can you get pregnant after your period?

According to NHS.uk, there are chances that you could conceive and get pregnant anytime during your menstrual cycle, even during menstruation or after your periods. The chances, however, of this occurring are low.

Again, if your cycle is short, say 22 days, and your menstruation lasts for seven days, then it is possible that you could ovulate just after your menstruation ends. This greatly increases your chances of conceiving after your period ends.

Do not smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs when planning to become pregnant

These substances not only reduce the fertility of the woman but can also have harmful effects on the unborn child. Smoking has an adverse effect on the cervical mucus, which can then prevent the sperm from reaching the ovum.

Do not wait for the pregnancy news to stop using these substances but stop using them when you have planned to become pregnant. Smoking when pregnant has a negative impact on the mother and baby.

The pregnancy tests will tell you about your pregnancy after you have conceived. Don’t wait for the news to stop smoking. Smoking during pregnancy decreases the oxygen and nutrient supply to the developing fetus and impairs its development. It is, therefore, essential that you stop smoking as soon as you decide to have a baby.

Curb your intake of caffeine. Research indicates that you’re okay with consuming less than 200 milligrams of caffeine in a day. That equals two cups of 8 ounces of coffee per day.

Best sex positions to get pregnant faster

The “man on top” position (also called the missionary position) is the best possible way to ensure that the semen enters the vagina and stays there.

Do not get up immediately after sex but stay in the position to ensure that the semen does not come out of the vagina. Lie on your back after sex.

Keeping a pillow under the hips of the woman will elevate the pelvis of the woman and make it easier for the semen to reach deep inside and not trickle out of the vagina.

Stay healthy 

Eating the proper foods and exercising regularly will go a long way not only to get you pregnant quickly but will also ensure a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Certain nutrients make your pregnancy comfortable and promise a healthy baby. You may want to

Lose the extra weight 

If you are overweight or obese, lose those extra calories. Obesity will hamper your pregnancy. A common cause of irregular periods and decreased fertility is obesity.

Being underweight too is undesirable. Being underweight can increase the risk of pregnancy problems such as premature delivery (before 37 weeks) or having an underweight baby.

Seeing a doctor if pregnancy eludes you

When planning to become pregnant, medical advice will help. If you do not get pregnant within a year after having tried, do consult your doctor again to rule out any conditions that could be hampering your pregnancy.

Certain medications can prevent conception and therefore, medical advice is necessary before you start taking any medication when you are planning a pregnancy.

Any fibroids or endometriosis can prevent you from getting pregnant. Similarly, unchecked or untreated STDs in you or your partner should be duly addressed.

Don’t do any strenuous physical activity

Moderate physical activity is welcome and can even promote fertility. However strenuous physical activity will impair ovulation and conception. Research suggests that 7 hours or more of strenuous physical activity per week can prevent you from becoming pregnant.

Avoid lubricants during sex

Certain vaginal lubricants (like K-Y Jelly) can decrease your fertility and chances of becoming pregnant. Saliva too can have the same effect (avoid oral sex). If lubrication is required, consult your doctor who may suggest canola oil or mineral oil.

Essential tips for the to-be-dad: Keep your testicles cool

Besides the usual advice of eating well, exercising well, looking after your wife well, and ruling out any health conditions, there is one special thing the male partner needs to take care of.

In about half the couples with fertility problems, the cause is attributed to the low sperm count of the man.

As you are aware, your sperms are produced in your testicles. When the testicles get hot, sperm production suffers especially if the exposure to heat is long.

It takes about 70 days for the sperm to mature and any disturbance in sperm production can take up to 3 months for the sperm count to bounce back.

There are many things that can cause your testicles to become warm. There could be external causes such as

  • Constant use of laptop on your thighs
  • Tight-fitting underwear
  • Motorcycle riding
  • Cooking

The internal causes include:

  • Fever
  • Obesity
  • Varicocele
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